Education: Layer Mound Workshop

Embracing Our Interdependence With Nature

Education: Layer Mound Workshop

It’s still hot here in S. Florida, but the day time temps have dropped a few degrees, and I can feel a dry breeze that is new to my days on the ladder at the chicken enclosure. Today is the autumnal equinox, the length of days and nights is nearly equal. We are four days from the full moon, and every bone in my body is aching to throw seeds. It is planting time for our favorite fall/winter annual vegetables so I hope you have your garden soils ready.

If you don’t have your garden soils ready, don’t worry, you are not alone, and all is not lost.  We will have a Lasagna Layer Mound Workshop at Mark Stanley’s house in Vero Beach on Saturday morning. The Lasagna Layer Mound is the fastest way to put together an instant fertile garden bed for nearly immediate growing.  Mark has fashioned a lovely Key Hole Garden for us to layer onto, so any who want to participate in this workshop will not only learn how to do the Lasagna Layer Mound, they will also get an introduction to the Key Hole Garden, a very space efficient garden shape, as well as an introduction to Hugel Kultur, which is the method used for the base of Mark’s Key Hole Garden.

If you would like to participate in this workshop see the poster below for details. If it is too small to read call Adina @ 772 240 6695 to reserve a space and for questions about this workshop.



4 Responses

  1. Sara says:

    Sounds like a great learning session. Calling it a lasagna layer is perfect.

  2. Yvonne says:

    I am a new gardener. I learn so much from the workshop, ‘Lasagna Mound”. I will starting a ‘Lasagna Mound’ soon. I love the workshop, Adina have a wealth of knowledge of the environment/gardening. I will attending the next workshop!

  3. Adina says:

    Thanks For your comment Yvonne. It was great having you in the workshop Saturday!

  4. Adina says:

    Thanks Sara!

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