Education: Two Class Offerings, November 2015

Embracing Our Interdependence With Nature

Education: Two Class Offerings, November 2015

It is November, and the heat and humidity, after a brief hiatus, are back upon us and we who have been here all summer and who endure these subtropical summers outdoors, do so knowing that by the time November comes we will have our windows open and cool dry breezes will waft through the house to chase us outdoors for our most temperate but shortest days in the garden.  So what gives? We have had days so hot that I have had to break out the ice bottles for the bunny bunker. I promised the new rabbits that by now they would have gorgeous days that would better suit their lovely soft fur coats. I think they have been been scrutinizing me with some distrust lately due to my inaccurate weather predictions.

Rabbit Scrutiny

Rabbit Scrutiny

Rabbit Scrutiny

Rabbit Scrutiny

Rabbit scrutiny and hot weather not withstanding, I am writing to let readers know about two indoor class presentations coming up this month.

First up, on Saturday November 14th 2015, 10 to noon, Composting 101. Everything you need to know about composting and soil building for great fertile garden soils. This class takes place in Vero Beach at Mark Stanley’s home. This is a great Permaculture garden to see and a lovely homey setting for an indoor presentation.

Composting 101 Class

Composting 101 Class

Also in November, one of the most impactful presentations I offer. The simple and effective approach to plant pest control offered in Pests and Disease In The Organic Garden can be transformational and liberating for growers of ornamentals as well as edibles. This class happens Saturday November 21, 2015, 11am to 1pm, at Sustainable Kashi in Sebastian. Sustainble Kashi is an amazing Permaculture Farm project to visit, and a great learning environment for this presentation. I attended my Permaculture Design Certification Training there. I would recommend this hosts location for any training. It is vast, welcoming, and the meals they prepare there are excellent.

Pests & Disease In The Organic Garden

Pests & Disease In The Organic Garden

I look forward to seeing you at these classes.


One Response

  1. Sara says:

    Rabbits are sooooo adorable!!!!

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